Now Hiring Music Teachers

Welcome to Dungeness Music!

A Complete Music Education That Will Inspire a Lifelong Love of Music

Dungeness Music Academy opened in 2003, and has been providing high quality music education to the Olympic Peninsula ever since. Our music teachers provide lessons on a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, voice, composition, cello, violin, drums, and more. We teach traditional and contemporary music lessons and incorporate different teaching techniques tailored to each individual student. We provide a complete music education designed around each person’s needs and talents. Contact us today for more information about our music lessons in Sequim, WA.

Inspirational Music Teachers

Teaching is about much more than just relaying information and skills. A musician is not born out of facts and memorization alone. Music, like any discipline, is about inspiration. Our music academy in Sequim is where knowledge and passion combine to create great musicians who never stop learning and growing!

A Friendly Environment That Builds Confidence

The performing arts rely on personal confidence and comfort. A confident and relaxed musician is better able to enjoy their art and is also more capable. We offer our students a calm and encouraging environment while recognizing their natural strengths and weaknesses.

Our Team

To inspire and foster a lifelong love of music.
Melissa Dumdei teaches music in Sequim, WA.



Melissa Dumdei is an accomplished pianist and music teacher. She grew up in northern BC where she performed in many regional piano workshops and competitions, including the BC Festival of the Arts. She began arranging music in high school as a church accompanist. Melissa received her B.A. in music at Trinity Western University where she studied piano and composition under Dr. David Squires.
Daniel Fink teaches music in Sequim, WA.



Daniel Fink is a professional musician with experience in ensembles and leading numerous worship teams. He teaches piano, guitar, bass guitar, violin, ukulele, and percussion at Dungeness Music Academy in Sequim, WA. He specializes in improvisation and is also a recording engineer.



Instill Instrument Proficiency Directed Toward Creativity

Playing music is an exciting combination of skill and creativity, concrete and inventive thinking; it is both sequential and random. Our music lessons balance these nicely to create an environment that will challenge and grow your musicianship in a unique way!

Music Teachers Geared to the Unique Needs of Each Student

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from teaching music, it’s that people are very unique. And how they learn and process information varies widely. I can’t stress enough how important it is to find the right music teacher for your individual make-up. Our music teachers will help in discovering what works best for you.

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